sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015


Dice ALSINA que el Estado no se limita a establecer el derecho, sino que garantiza su cumplimiento, este es el Contenido de la función jurisdiccional.

El Art. 5 del COJ define la jurisdicción cuando expresa: “La jurisdicción
consiste en la potestad de conocer y decidir en juicio y de hacer ejecutar lo
La jurisdicción judicial es la facultad conferida a los jueces para administrar justicia en las controversias con relevancia jurídica.
La jurisdicción es un atributo de la soberanía, de allí que todos los jueces integrantes del Poder Judicial tienen jurisdicción, pero no todos tienen competencia para conocer y decidir en un determinado asunto.

La competencia consiste en el límite de la jurisdicción. 

El Art. 7 del COJ expresa: “Los jueces y tribunales ejercerán jurisdicción dentro de los límites de su competencia”.

LASCANO define la competencia como la capacidad reconocida a
ciertos Jueces para ejercer jurisdicción en determinados casos.
La competencia es el ámbito de atribuciones del órgano. La regla es que
la competencia sólo puede ser ejercida por sus propios agentes, en consecuencia
no corresponde la representación o el mandato, salvo que la ley expresamente
así lo autorice. Dentro de la competencia es un deber del agente ejercer sus
atribuciones, en tanto que los derechos y las obligaciones pueden no ejercerse o
no cumplirse.

Todos los jueces que integran el Poder Judicial están dotados de
jurisdicción. Pero no todos los jueces tienen competencia La potestad de juzgar
(jurisdicción) esta limitada por la Constitución y por la ley atendiendo a la
materia (civil, laboral, penal, contencioso-administrativo. del menor, electoral,
etc.)…al territorio: al valor o cuantía; al grado; al turno y a la conexidad.

1 comentario:

  1. My life is beautiful thanks to you, Mein Helfer. Lord Jesus in my life as a candle light in the darkness. You showed me the meaning of faith with your words. I know that even when I cried all day thinking about how to recover, you were not sleeping, you were dear to me. I contacted the herbal center Dr Itua, who lived in West Africa. A friend of mine here in Hamburg is also from Africa. She told me about African herbs but I was nervous. I am very afraid when it comes to Africa because I heard many terrible things about them because of my Christianity. god for direction, take a bold step and get in touch with him in the email and then move to WhatsApp, he asked me if I can come for treatment or I want a delivery, I told him I wanted to know him I buy ticket in 2 ways to Africa To meet Dr. Itua, I went there and I was speechless from the people I saw there. Patent, sick people. Itua is a god sent to the world, I told my pastor about what I am doing, Pastor Bill Scheer. We have a real battle beautifully with Spirit and Flesh. Adoration that same night. He prayed for me and asked me to lead. I spent 2 weeks and 2 days in Africa at Dr Itua Herbal Home. After the treatment, he asked me to meet his nurse for the HIV test when I did it. It was negative, I asked my friend to take me to another nearby hospital when I arrived, it was negative. I was overwhite with the result, but happy inside of me. We went with Dr. Itua, I thank him but I explain that I do not have enough to show him my appreciation, that he understands my situation, but I promise that he will testify about his good work. Thank God for my dear friend, Emma, I know I could be reading this now, I want to thank you. And many thanks to Dr. Itua Herbal Center. He gave me his calendar that I put on my wall in my house. Dr. Itua can also cure the following diseases ... Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Inflammatory Liver, Diabetis, Fribroid,Parkinson's disease,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Fibromyalgia, recover your ex. You can contact him by email or whatsapp, @ .. drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com, phone number .. + 2348149277967 .. He is a good doctor, talk to him kindly. I'm sure he will also listen to you.
